
Web icon graphic as the outline of 2 adults and 2 children in yellow and steel blue

Trauma-informed Support for Students


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Erika Stewart Wheelhouse, MA, LMHC

About Erika

As a licensed therapist specializing in traumatic-stress, advocating on behalf of clients has always been an important part of my work.

Since 2009, I have assessed and treated adolescents in a variety of settings including the juvenile court, schools, community mental health and addiction centers, and as a consultant in private practice.

In addition to treating adolescents and young adults struggling with Adverse Childhood Events (ACE) and other significant mental health challenges, I have over 10 years of experience in helping clients to better understand and utilize the special education supports available to meet their individual academic needs.

After experiencing adverse or traumatic events, students may develop issues with their behavior, mental health, or social-emotional development. These challenges can negatively impact a student’s ability to access the curriculum, which can then impede their academic progress.

School is paramount to success as a young adult, and beyond - let’s help them face these challenges together.



Success in school is paramount to success as a young adult, and beyond - let’s help them face these challenges together.

  • -Reviewing IEPs, 504 plans, and school-based assessments

  • -Attending IEP meetings

  • -Collaborating with school-based mental health services

  • -Seeking out other community resources that may benefit students’ academic goals

  • -Coordinating community mental health services with court appointed personnel including probation officers and public defenders

  • -Reviewing assessments and records (e.g., school, medical, court issued)

  • -Full bio-psychosocial assessments

  • -Making recommendations for improving mental health and educational outcomes to Special Educators and Judges appointed to the Massachusetts Juvenile Courts

  • -Educating faculty and school administrators about traumatic-stress in students



 -University of Houston - Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, Summa Cum Laude

-Boston College, Lynch School of Education - Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology



Available for families, community agencies, and schools (private and public):

Consultation to address the following:

-General information/education on how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) impact the learning process

-Psychosocial assessment (does not include formal testing)

-Review of IEP or 504 Plan

-Planning goals / academic accommodations that are trauma-sensitive and supportive of the individual student


Education Advocacy:

Available for students in the following Massachusettes school districts: 
Acton-Boxborough, Concord-Carlisle, Bedford, Hudson, Lincoln-Sudbury, and Waltham

-Full record review and written recommendations, collateral interviews (e.g., school-based mental health services, probationary personnel), attend IEP meetings as required/requested

Who may benefit from these services:

Students between the ages of 12 to 21 years of age facing academic challenges associated with post-trauma experiences. These challenges may include behavioral issues, mental health issues, and/or social-emotional issues.



Case Consultation:

No-cost 45 minute initial consultation to discuss the student's needs.

Retainer $350; Hourly $85/hour

Billed hourly after the first 4 hours

Hourly rate covers records review, communication/correspondence with collaterals, documentation

Education Advocacy:

No-cost 45 minute initial consultation to discuss your student's needs.

Retainer $225; $75/hour 
Billed hourly after the first 3 hours

Estimated time per case is 8 -12 hours

Retainer to be paid and contract specifying expectations and outlying case requirements to be signed before any work on the case begins. 

Hourly rate covers records review, communication/correspondence with collaterals, documentation, and meeting attendance.

Travel: $50/per meeting if travel is required. No additional fee to attend virtual meetings (e.g., via Zoom)

Itemized billing sent with invoice and billed monthly.


Assistance for lower-income students:

Erika accepts one Low Cost Case (LCC) as time permits (approximately one per month). LCCs have a one-time fee of $50 and include the following:

-A 60-minute consultation (virtual or over the phone)

-Records and/or IEP review

-Written evaluation and recommendations for educational supports/accommodations

This service is offered for those families who are not currently in a financial position to pay the full rate.

-Referrals for LCCs accepted from: mental health providers, teachers, school administrators or counselors, court-appointed probationary officers, or medical providers. If you are serving an adolescent experiencing trauma-related mental health issues and believe they can benefit from an education advocate, please contact me here:
Contact Erika


The Strive Family Resources (“Strive”) website provides general information about mental health resources. The website is intended for use by individuals (non-professionals) for non-commercial, personal purposes.

The information and resources on this website are intended to help individuals better understand the U.S. health care system, health services research and medical effectiveness, and diagnosed conditions, but not to provide specific medical or mental health advice. Individuals are urged to consult with their own qualified health care providers for all diagnosis and treatment, and for answers to personal health care questions.

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